The sound of little Violet is pure joy! She is my little girl, about 14 months. Hearing her jibber jabber is almost my favorite sound these days. The fact that she actually communicates with me through her own little language is amazing. She also uses her hands and does high or low tones depending on what she is talking about, its hysterical to watch.
I literally have mini conversations with her all day. Although most times I have no clue as to what she says, just hearing her fills my heart. Even though she says nothing actually impressive, I am utterly amazed at how serious she takes herself and how confident she is when she is explaining herself to me, the girl has got tons of spunk!
I can see how talking to God the father would be the same for us. Of course there is nothing we can say that will ever seem new or impressive to Him, but the mere fact of hearing us speak must make His heart full and content.
This thought is quite simple, but easy to overlook. Unfortunately this might sound so plain that most MISS IT ALL THE TIME (Heck I miss it all the time). Believing that God is just glad to hear me, just because, should be good enough for us... but sometimes it just isn't (Ps139).
I honestly find myself at a loss for words many times, thinking that in order to speak/pray/testify, I must have something profound to say, but I make a grave mistake by keeping silent, when all He needs to hear is my voice.
Of course there are times that God will lead you into deep intercession or prophetic prayers that will impact and make a huge difference in His kingdom. Still, although some might disagree, I believe that it has little to do with the words we are using and more to do with the position of our heart in that moment. Are we full of faith or are we full of ourselves by trying to impress Him with our lofty "prayers"?
Anyway that is another topic all together (TBA lol)
All I know is this, I don't think I will ever get tired of hearing Violet jibber jabber! And I must translate this into my relationship with God the father, whether its my spiritual jibber jabber or a deep profound prayer, its all the same to Him as long as I know that He is just pleased that its me.
thanks for reading!