28 January 2010

Consider The Lily

Woke up this morning thinking about the birds and lilies in Matthew 6.
What beautiful imagery. A carefree, wild, and fragrant lily whirling as the sun shines down. She really has nothing to worry about. She isn't even moved by the fact that her little life, as a flower, will soon come to an end after she blooms.

"Do not worry about your life."  Many of us are caught in this web of "what, when, where and how" , that we end up missing out on the now of our life.  I remember when I was single. My roommates would laugh at me, because there we were, mid summer, and I was already planning  for new years. It was like I was living from event to event, trip to trip and semester to semester and I couldn't help it. I was aiming towards something, and I didn't want anything else to take me away from that. But in reality, I was missing out on valuable things, found in the process of living...yes yes that process that we all hear about, but don´t stop to take in and find its beauty.  Oswald Chambers says "If we are not experiencing the "much more," it is because we are not obeying the life God has given us, we are taken up with confusing considerations."

With that said,  lets not be afraid to miss it. Since it's all found in the process anyway and "the end is just an incident of his faithfulness", we have complete freedom taking in the process and finding its beauty.  We are free from the obligation of achievements or success, and can only boast in his faithfulness and joy in our obedience.

thanks for reading!
