¿Have you ever had your personal mail read by someone you haven't seen in a while? Pretty intense stuff! I recently had my mail read and I am feeling quite refreshed. It is that feeling of "yeah, you get me God." Knowing that God sees you and knows where you are, can either make you or break you. Either way you become so aware of him and how powerful he really is, he puts you in your place.
One incredible thing about God is, he not only reminds us of who he is and how powerful he is, he reminds us of who we are and what potential we have. I love how kindhearted he is.
The other day I was washing a few coffee mugs, one of them was chipped a bit. Right away I thought this is trash. Then I thought again, since it was part of a set of 6 that I use daily, just because it is broken doesn't mean it isn't any good. How many times have I dismissed a certain opportunity or situation that was less then perfection and tossed it away as trash. I missed a chance to see God work his stuff.
To embrace imperfection is to truly love (1Jn 4:7-12). Gosh, I know this is hard, but it is the bases of our christian faith. For God so loved the world, he gave his son to people that were in fact clueless and selfish. Fully knowing that when they did realize who Jesus was, they in return, would give their lives. We don't want to fall far from this simple yet engulfing truth, it is pure freedom.
Sometimes we can become innocently (or not) sidetracked. We lose sight of the goal, we forget who he says we are. Granted sometimes, God will take us to places that have nothing to do with what he has promised (been there, done that) and we begin to doubt. We shouldn't let these situations keep us from giving our lives away as Jesus did for us. In other words die to yourself a bit so he can be glorified through you. If We keep holding out for that ideal opportunity, we may never jump into our purpose. We have everything we need to make it, right where we are, with the people we are with. Beloved, "making it" isn't the goal. Aim for love-inspired obedience, and your life will be changed.
Well I am getting off my soap box now =) I think my daughter needs a diaper change, duty calls, literally!!!
thanks for reading,
peonies & jade bangles